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[[preprinted]] 46 [[/preprinted]] [[underline]] Nov. 19, 1906 [[/underline]] +28 degrees 54 Exam. of plates missing [[checkmark]] AC 7909 9.6 [[checkmark]] AC 7883 Class T ^[[1]] Can not identify [[checkmark]] AC 6488 d5 [[underline]] N [[/underline]] Star probably abnorm. [[checkmark]] AC 6023 9.5? Images very poor [[checkmark]] AC 2280 9.2 poor images [[checkmark]] A [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]] C 3170 9.7? very poor [[checkmark]] AM 2039 8.9 [[end page]] [[new page]] [[preprinted]] 47 [[/preprinted]] Nov. 19, 1906 [[checkmark]] AC 2935 9.7 [[checkmark]] AC 1727 Too poor Var. not seen. d2 [[underline]] N [[/underline]] [[checkmark]] AC 1714 Too poor d3 [[underline]] N [[/underline]] [[checkmark]] AC 105 9.6 [[checkmark]] AC 7253 9.7 [[checkmark]] AC 3952 Too poor [[checkmark]] AC 5266 Too poor [[checkmark]] AC 5118 9.5 [[checkmark]] AM 4072 9.8? very poor [[checkmark]] AC 7219 8.9 [[checkmark]] AM 4003 Not covering [[checkmark]] AC 2241 Not covering [[checkmark]] AC 2909 Not covering [[checkmark]] AC 3068 Not covering [[checkmark]] AC 3190 Not covering [[checkmark]] AC 1646 Not covering [[checkmark]] {AC 5663 not covering [[checkmark]] {AC 4085 [[checkmark]] { " 5285