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[[preprinted]] 48 [[/preprinted]] Nov. 19, 1906 [[checkmark]] I 21187 8.9 I 33243 (Sp) 9.7 [[checkmark]] I 19344 9.8 poor shape [[checkmark]] I 17186 9.7 dense images [[checkmark]] I 17136 9.4 Is this an Iso. plate? [[checkmark]] I 16733 9.3 [[checkmark]] I 15606 9.0 [[checkmark]] I 13791 9.7 [[checkmark]] I 13514(Sp) 9.3? [[checkmark]] I 13294 9.6 [[checkmark]] I 13098 9.6 [[checkmark]] I 10390 Images of. 9.4? [[checkmark]] I 4870 9.8 I 4499 Too poor [[checkmark]] [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] B 3287 not covering [[checkmark]] [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] B 3289 Does not show faint enough stars [[end page]] [[new page]] [[preprinted]] 49 [[/preprinted]] [[underline]] Nov. [[strikethrough]] 19 [[/strikethrough]] 20, 1906 [[/underline]] [[checkmark]] AC 321 9.8 AC 6023 Too poor to estimate [[checkmark]] Faintest blotch for the var. e not seen Rough guess v = 9.4? AC 4034 8.9 Very poor plate but var. undoubtedly bright AC 3030 [[checkmark]] 1st 9.4 2nd 9.1 2nd ^[[appers]] brighter but second image of d may be defective [[checkmark]] AC 3031 9.4 AC 4324 9.1 [[checkmark]] AC 2860 9.0 [[checkmark]] AM 1614 9.0 [[checkmark]] AC 4033 9.6 very poor [[checkmark]] AC 636 9.7 I 23146 Sp. 9.6? very poor