Viewing page 27 of 111

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[[preprinted]] 50 [[/preprinted]]

[[underline]] Nov. 22, 1906 [[/underline]]

multiple images
15 images
1. var. not seen, e not seen, d 6 U
2. " " " " " "[[ditto for var. not seen, e not seen,]] d4 [[double upperdash]][[double underdash]]U[[/double upperdash]][[/double underdash]]
3. 9.0
4 9.0
5 8.9
6 8.8?
7 8.8?
8 not seen C1 [[double underline]]U[[/double underline]]
9 " " " "[[ditto for not seen C1 [[double underline]]U[[/double underline]] ]]

5 images of raw seen, 1 + 2 of raw 
Certainly missing so that none to 
max. during exposure of the plate. 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 51 [[/preprinted]]

Nov. 22, 1906

AC 464

Star at maximum or near ah beginning of exposure faint towards end.

1. elongated 9.0?
2. 8.7
3. 8.6
4. 8.9

(Too dark for further estimates. 4.20 P.M)