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[[preprinted]] 14 [[/preprinted]]

Jan. 8, 1908

C17181 (cont.)
[[symbol-check mark]] (2) H Beta strength bright. H Gamma faint lines 
[[margin]]+ 62 degrees 2007 H.P. 3879 [[/margin]] Spectrum resembles that of long period variables.
Not in Second Cat. Var. stars
Identify on I 11688
[[symbol-check mark]] Sp. marked by W.P.F. on I 13536, Ma, object 3989, no bright lines
Plates examined

[[margin]] Aug. 21 ? [[/margin]] AI 2652
"[[ditto for Aug]] 7, 1907      6028
Jun 4, "[[ditto for 1907]]       6278
"[[ditto for Jun]] 8,  "[[ditto for 1907]]       6290
"[[ditto for Jun]] 9,  "[[ditto for 1907]]       6293
"[[ditto for Jun]] 11, "[[ditto for 1907]]       6298
"[[ditto for Jun]] 20, "[[ditto for 1907]]       6328
"[[ditto for Jun]] 27, "[[ditto for 1907]]       6336 Taken the same night as C17181 -

[[margin]][Variable - confirmed by by W..P.F on I 29286, 13461, 16274, 16446, 13536,24137
Bright on I 29286, [[strikethrough]] 13461, 16274, 16446 [[/strikethrough]] Ft. on 13461, also conf. by E.F.L]]

AC 7807, 8592, 8659, 8965, 9008, + 9073

The above plates show no change in this object. It is certainly no brighter on AI 6336 taken the night on which the C plate shows H beta bright than on other AI plates. Therefore it seems that the brightening of the hydrogen lines did not cause variation in light.

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[[preprinted]] 15 [[/preprinted]] 

Jan. 8, 1908

[[symbol-check mark]] C17182 H.P. 264
1 [[underlined]] st [[/underlined]] type.
Lines burned out.

[[symbol-check mark]] C17183 H.P. 596

comp. would be F5G except that K is almost missing.

[[symbol-check mark]] (2) H.P. 583

[[symbol-check mark]] (3) +62^[[0]] 612

[[symbol-check mark]] C17186 H.P. 4146

Very dense
C17188 delta Cephei

[[symbol-check mark]] C17190 H.P. 3172, 3173

H.P. 3172 A2F
H.P. 3173 A3F
Partly superposed

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Transcription Notes:
ditto words need doing as per instructions changed to actual words for dittos see other examples