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[[preprinted]] 34 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] April 25, 1908 [[/underlined]]

Region 6^[[h]] +30°
AC 7998 ^[[taken Nov. 8, 1906]] superposed on D 13339 = AC 5540

1. New No. 59
On positive, not on negative. Not on DM chart
Approx. 1855 5 31.3^[[m]] +38 50

Not on 3469
Bright on 5573, taken Nov. 21, 1904
[[strikethrough]] Probabl [[/strikethrough]] Apparently Altair
Ft. on I 24440. Invis. <12 on I 2661. Ft on I 14867
Magn. 9.5 on A 7074 Nov. 16, 1904
" [[ditto for Magn.]] 13 on A 1058 Oct. 11, 1894

2. Known 064030 chi Gem.  On positive, not on negative

3. Known RT Aurigae  A bright star, brighter on negative about 0.5

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[[preprinted]] 35 [[/preprinted]]

April 25, 1908

4. Bright on negative, not on positive
Neptune [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] Yes.
Neptune on Nov. 7, 1906 R.A. = 6^[[h]] 54 Dec = +21 57

5. Bright on positive, not on negative
Neptune ?

6. On negative, not on positive
Defect, or an asteroid.

7. On negative, not on positive
probably an asteroid.
AC 7952 shows an object in following position.
Approx. 1855   5 9.8  +19 20

8. Image defective on negative.