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No 19. Tabakobon. a square wooden box 
containing a small earthen vessel
for holding hot charcoal, + a 
segment of bamboo either with or
without cover, used by smokers
Tools + Implements
No 20 Kama. sickle
"  21 Nata. hatchet
"  22 Daiku Dogu, carpenter's tools. (1 set-
59 articles)
"  23 Takuwan Dogu, plasterer's tools
(1  set- 23 articles)
"  24 Kadzariya Dogu, metal worker's 
tools (1 set - 31 articles)
"  25 Ivory carver's tools. + [[speck]]of horn
carving (1 set-23 articles)
"  26 Tools + materials used in making
common lacquer
"  27 Models illustrating process of making
lacquered plate
" 28 Tools + materials used in making
gold lacquer.
" 29 Specimen of gold lacquer.