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^[[ During my stay in London I paid several visits to [[strikethrough]] Prof AH Kean [[/strikethrough]] ]]
Professor A H. Keane, for the purpose of inspecting his summary of ethnology. It may not be known to the Director of the Museum that there is not an index of the tribes and peoples of the earth printed in English. Such a synopsis is most desirable and I am extremely anxious to see Professor Keane's work in print.

It was my pleasure to spend a day in the Anthropological portion of the Oxford Museum. A galleried annex to the Natural History Museum has been fitted up for the reception of the Lane Fox Collection. In this museum can be seen the best example of a topical arrangement, the purpose being in each alcove or range to show how the inventive genius of man may have passed from one stepping stone to another in every type of tool or weapon or art production.