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A portion of the space near the Invalides was set apart for the exhibition of African and Franco-Indian natives at their characteristic occupations, chief among the popular attractions of which were the Japanese theatre and the Annamite Buddhist temple. The members of the Congres guided by the local committee, spent many hours in these savage enclosures and houses studying the people and thei arts and listening to their rude music. 

Under such favorable auspices met the Ninth Congress of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology. It will be long before such wonderful advantages are again brought together for studying the natural history of man. 

The previous congresses have been as follows: 

Congres internationale d'Anthropologie et d'Archeolgieprehistorique, founded in Spezzia in 1865.


1.  Neufchatel, 1886, Compte rendu, Svo; Paris 1866.
2.  Paris, 1867. Compte rendu. Svo; Paris, 1868.
3.  Norwich, 1868. Compte rendu, Svo; London, 1869.
4.  Copenhagen, 1869. Compte rendu, Svo; Copenhagen, 1870
5.  Bologna, 1871. Compte rendu, Svo; Bologna, 1873. 
6.  Bruxelles, 1872. Compte rendu, Svo; Bruxelles, 1873.
7.  Stockholm, 1874. Compte rendu, Svo; Chalons, 1875.