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8. Buda Pesth, 1876, Compte rendu, 2 vols., Svo; Buda Pesth, 1887.
9.  Lisbon, 1880.
10.  Paris, 1889.

From Paris, my journey was to Cologne, where I visited the museum. There is nothing here for us to imitate in the ma ter of furniture or installation, but I was greatly impressed with the care taken in all German and French cities and towns of the local museums. This spirit should be fostered in every way in our own country, but it [[strikethrough]] wl  [[/strikethrough]] will be many years before we equal the European countries in this regard. 

At Leipzig I experienced the greatest disappointment in not being able to inspect the Museum fur Volkerkunde, which contains the celebra^[[t]]ed Klemm collection. More than twenty years ago this [[e written over is]] writer became acquainted with Dr. Klemm's methods and motives ^[[,]] and presented a resume of his work in the Smithsonian Annual Report for 1869. Shortly the Leipzig collections will be installed in the new building. The disappointment of not seeing the Klemm collection was quite compensated in the profitable study of Konigliches Zoologisches and Anthropologisch--Ethnographisches Museum in Dresden. This is not the largest, but