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Dr. George M. Kober, U. S. A. gave a number of specimens from Idaho and Washington on regions not so fully illustrated in the museum as the states further south. 

The collection of Navajo silver work on which Dr. Washington Matthews U. S. A. based his paper in the third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology has been acquired and will be set up to illustrate his monographs. 

Through the Interior Department a large series from Washington, collected by Rev. E. C. Chirouse was received.

The specimens are old genuine Indian work of the greatest value. 

Mr. W. W. Rockhill deposited in the museum the ethnological results of his second Thibetian exploration. They consist of many unique specimens illustrating the customs of the Chinese, Monglos, Si Fan and Thibetans. Mr. Rockhill also deposited a collection of foreign weapons and Chinese art enamel work in the museum, and has rendered gratuitously invaluable aid labeling and cataloguing these materials. 

In the technic series a separate court has been set aside for the exhibition of mortuary customs to illustrate the study in this subject made by Dr. H. C. Yarrow.