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[[underlined]] Wasegua Negroes. Africa. [[/underlined]]  - Royal Ethnographic Museum Berlin (accession 23146): Tobacco pipe (1); tobacco pouch (1); assagais (2); woman's dress (1); basket (1). 

[[underlined]] Congo River. W. Africa. [/underlined]] - J. H. Camp (accession 22376): War knives (6); spear heads (4); game sack (1); loin cloth (1); cap (1); witch bell (1); native rope (1); leather girdle (1); war horn (1); head rest (1); Arrows (3); musical instrument [[underlined]] sansa [[/underlined]] (1); Currency: copper and  brass wire, beads, copper cross, brass tacks and handkerchief (6); cloth (1 piece); dress (1); iron necklace (1); spoon (1); head of fish spear (1); porcupine quills (1 lot); hippopotamus spikes (2); hippopotamus tusks (2).