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^[[Curators reports file 
Ethnology. January]]

[[stamped]] G.B.O. MAR 5 1890 [[/stamped]]

U.S.National Museum
Washington, Feb.3, 1890

Dr. G.B.Goode
Assistant Director
Smithsonian Institution.

Dear Sir; 

I have the honor to make my monthly report as Curator of the department of ethnology; 

During the first two weeks of the past month I have given my attention especially to the literary part of my work, collecting material for a guide book to enquirers, preparing labels, and writing a paper upon the methods of hafting with savage peoples.

The last week was occupied in the long contemplated change in the east and west halls. Hereafter the east-hall will be devoted to the exhibition of the technical series; and the west-hall to the ethnological series. Upon the north side of the east hall will be placed the exhibition of primitive arts and industries, and on the south side sociology and religion. 

In the west hall on the south side will be the collection from Polynesia, the Eskimo collection, and the north-west coast collection.