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^[[[[in box]] E [[/in box]]
Rep for June 
[[underlined]] used [[/underlined]]]] 
[[stamped]] G.B.G. JUL 12 1890 [[/stamped]] 
[[stamped]] G.B.G. JUL 12 1890 [[/stamped]]

U.S. National Museum
Washington D.C.
July 11th. '90

Mr. G.B. Goode
Assistant Secretary
Smithsonian Institution. 

Dear Sir:

During the month of June 1890, my force has been unchanged. A great portion of our time has been occupied in the necessary preparation, for the printer, of Paymaster Thompson's paper on Easter Island, and my own papers on aboriginal skin dressing. 

The desire of the Editor to have the legends for the drawings, numbers for the plates and all literary matters attended to before the object is placed in the printer's hands, has been met as far as possible. This is a most excellent idea and I have done all I could to help him put it in execution. 

Owing to illness, some of my force have been absent from duty for some days, making it necessary for me to have