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to give dignity and effect to this study, by more careful collecting, and by the comparison of larger bodies of material. 

    In December the Latin-American Department of the World's Fair, under Mr. William E. Curtis secured the cooperation of several officers of the Army and Navy as commissioners to Central and South American Republics to awaken an interest in, and secure  material for the World's Fair at Chicago. These gentlemen spent several weeks in the Museum taking lessons in photography, taxidermy, making squeezes and practicing other operations necessary to perfect them in their work. Before the end of the fiscal year, favorable reports were received from these officers. 

    In January, was completed a card catalogue of the large collections of religious objects secured among the Pueblos of the South West, by the Bureau of Ethnology. These specimens have been in the Museum for six or seven years, but it was impossible to study them or put them on exhibition for want of information. This was kindly supplied by Mrs. Matilda Stevenson, who spent several days in the Museum and, with the help of a stenographer,