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cataloguing done by the force in the department, especially such material as the Bernadou and Allen C[[^]]c[[/^]] ollection from Korea; the Rockhill C[[^]]c[[/^]]ollections from Thibet; the C[[^]]c[[/^]]ollections of the Navy Department from Samoa; the C[[^]]c[[/^]]ollections of Dr. W.L.Abbott from Kilimanjaro.
The Department has had friendly connections with the British Museum, the Oxford Museum, the Royal Museum at Dresden, Dartmouth College Museum, and the Cincinnati Art Museum, through exchanges. A series of continuous small exchanges is found to be fruitful of the best results. 
Mr. Heli Chatelain[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]] who was for some years a missionary in Africa, and who acted as interpreter to the Eclipse Expedition in 1889, has rendered signal service to the Museum, not only by means of his collections, but in furnishing correct and ample information concerning each specimen, and many hundred specimens already in the Museum, of which little has been known. On his return to Africa in June, Mr. Chatelain[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]] was furnished with an outfit for photographing and collecting. 
During the last few weeks of the fiscal year the Curator has given much time and attention to pre-