Viewing page 37 of 91

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[[underlined]] Syria. [[/underlined]] - Stewart Culin (24402): Playing
cards (2 packs).

[[underlined]] Asia Minor.[[/underlined]] - Col. F. ^[[?]] H. Tappan (23839):
Chain shirt.

[[underlined]] Bagdad, Turkey. [[/underlined]] - Department of State
(24201): Inscribed bricks 2). Rev. J. P. Peters (24087,23986): Oven; clubs (2); lock and key; coffee mortar; bird trap;
gun trappings (3); drum; pipes (3); food
mat; man's costume (8 pcs); woman's
costume (8 pcs). millstones; coffee pots (5); pistols (3); coffee roaster; cups (6); spear head; pitcher; boat; plow; yoke;
spade; guns (2); flint and steel; tobacco
pouch; Kohl paint; anklets, nose ring;