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^[[ [[strikethrough]] E + A [[/strikethrough]] ]] 
^[[Use'd Curators Report file Ethnology Mason]]
[[stamped]] G.B.G. MAR 5 1891 [[/stamped]]

WASHINGTON March 5, 1891.

Dear Mr. Goode:
I have the honor to send you my report for February, 1891.
In connection with my department are the following persons, but the accompanying list will show their relation to my work during the month.
Mr. Hough. Entering, poisoning, card-cataloguing collections.
Mr. Sweeny. Assisting Mr. Trumbull in collecting Pueblo material.
Mr. Tumbull, making a complete catalogue of fetishes and all Pueblo religions objects.
Miss Latham, detailed to help Captain Bendire.
Mr. Chandlee, maps for Dr. Stejneger, Mr. True and museum at large.
Mr. Berger, two months and a half on Dr. Lucas' work
Mr. Shindler, part of the time on my work.
Mr. Tracy, collating a catalogue of the organized