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[[stamped]] G.B.G. APR 14 1891 [[/stamped]]


Washington, D. C. 
April 13, 1891.

Dr. G. Brown Goode,
Director U. S. National Museum
Dear Sir: 

I have the honor to make the following report of my department for the month of March, delayed by the Pate nt Centennial.

The curator has devoted his time to the routine of department work, involving the receipt of collections, the correspondence and the literature and labeling. Dr. Lamborn has procured for the institution a small series of Galton's apparatus which shold be put in operation. The National Board of Geographic names continues its work, and the curator suggests that the officers connected with the Institution be requested to adopt its suggestion The Secretary of the Treasury and other officials have given instructions to have these recommendations carried out. The following persons have been nominally or really charged to me.

Mr. Hough, cataloguing and recording new objects.