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[[preprinted]] UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM UNDER DIRECTION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON [[/preprinted]] of any depth to suit specimens, frm 2" to 12" When once the specimens are mounted and labelled and sealed up in these exhibition boxes, these may be filed away on shelves or racks like books in a library. The curator has had a large numbers of drawings made and has prepared the library material for a monograph on the Arts of war among the North American aborigines. Mr. Walter Hough, the assistant in this department, has bestowed a great deal of care on the preparation of a catalogue of the Korean collection+. This has been done for the purpose of showing our appreciation of the kindness Dr. Allen and Ensign[[Bernadon?]], U.S.N. [[line]] + See Report of U.S. National Museum, 1891, pp 429 - 488.