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2. [[preprinted letterhead]] UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM UNDER DIRECTION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON [[/preprinted]] [[underlined]] Mr Hough [[/underlined]] Entering in Catalogue, making a card catalogue and poisoning specimens for the museum and for Chicago Exposition. [[underlined]] Miss Latham. [[/underlined]] Making labels for the collection of the Rajah of Tagore and for the north west coast specimens described in Niblack's book. [[underlined]] Mr. Sweeny [[/underlined]] Now on the Chicago roll, mounting in unit boxes the Mooney and other collections. Mr. Sweeney is charged also with labeling these collections. [[underlined]] Mr Chandlee. [[/underlined]] Nominally on my roll, but engaged wholly during November on orders for other curators. His assistant, Mr. Berger is no longer with me.
Transcription Notes:
His name is Chandlee, not Chandler