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[[boxed]] E A [[/boxed]] ^[[underlined]] use [[/underlined]] a]] ^[[noted]] [[stamped]] R.E.E. JAN. 11 '92 [[/stamped]] [[preprinted letterhead]] UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM UNDER DIRECTION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON [[/preprinted]] Jan. 7 1892 [[stamped]] Curator JAN 8 189[[?]] [[/stamped]] Prof. F. W. True Curator in Charge of National Museum. Dear Sir; I take pleasure in sending you the monthly report from the Department of Ethnology for December, 1891. The Curator, in addition to the details of correspondence connected with the department, has given special attention to preparing labels for the Chicago Exposition, for the Abbott collection and for the material from the Northwest Coast and from Africa. He has also attended the Meeting of the Board of Geographical Names, under instruction from the