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^[[file]] [[preprinted]] UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM UNDER DIRECTION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON [[/preprinted]] Dec. 3rd, '92 Dr. G. Brown Goode, Director U. S. National Museum: Dear Sir,- I have the honor to submit the report of my Department for the month of November, 1892. The men working in my Department are divided into two classes: 1. Those engaged in Museum work, namely: Otis T. Mason, Curator. A. Z. Shindler, Artist. Kepler Hoyt, Copyist. Thomas K. Turnbull, Clerk. 2. Those engaged in World's Fair work, namely: F. W. Sweeney, Preparator. Theo. A. Mills, Modeler. Carl Bergman, Skilled Workman. Walter H. Ryland, Special Agent. 1. I am very happy to record that since I have had