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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. [[line]] MEMORANDUM. [[/preprinted]] The West Hall was similarly treated, and thousands of beautiful specimens from Polynesia, Asia, Africa and boreal North America thrust out of sight. [[vertical line insertion in blue pencil in left margin begins here]] In closing this monthly report I at the same time end the most unhappy year of my connection with the museum. Permit me to ask you with all respect whether I am expected to continue to be my own clerk and messenger.[[/vertical blue line]] ^[[Noted [[underlined]] W.O.C. [[/underlined]] me too.]] The additions to my department during the month have been 57 entries, 310 specimens, from nos. 165,536 - 165,592. I am very respectfully O. T. Mason.