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^[[Miss Macfarland]]
[[underlined]][[strikethrough]]^[[E & ack in printed form]][[/strikethrough]][[/underlined]]

April 8th, 1893.

Curator in Charge
APR 11 1893 [[/stamped]]

S.P. LANGLEY, Secretary
G. BROWN GOODE, Assistant Secretary,
in charge of U.S. National Museum[[/stamped]]

^[[Miss Smith]]


Prof. F. W. True,
U.S. National Museum.

Dear Sir:

I herewith send you the Report of the Department of Ethnology for the month of April, 1893:

During the month of March the Curator was obliged to attend to all correspondence and matters of his department in person, having no assistance whatever, either as typewriter, or in copying the records.

The World's Fair roll consisted of two divisions of workmen, one connected with the mounting of lay figures, which included Bergmann, Schwering, and, for half of the month, Johnson. The plaster casts for this lay figure work are made by contract with Mr. Mills. Professor Holmes, of the Bureau of Ethnology, and Mr. Cushing, have also rendered great assistance in this lay-figure work.

The other portion of the World's Fair work was the mounting of unit-boxes, and the preparation of labels. This was done under my immediate supervision by Mr. Sweeney, Mr. Ryland and Mr. McDonald. At the close of the month the large collections from the southwest sent by Mr. James Mooney arrived, and there being no one to enter them in the