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RS November 3rd 1922 Mr. Samuel Borchard 349 West 86th street New York ^[[checkmark]] My dear Mr. Borchard,- When I had the pleasure of your visit at the Ancien Palais Sagan in Paris, we had a most interesting conversation about pictures and painters, and you very kindly invited me to come and see your collection in New York. The object of these lines is to tell you that I have arrived a few days ago and that one of my first thoughts is to let you know about my arrival here. My cousin, Captain Germain Seligmann, who was out of town when you called at our Paris galleries, and who is a very distinguished judge of paintings, would of course like very much to view your pictures, and I would like you to allow me to bring him with me. I hope these lines will find you in good health, and looking forward to hearing from you in the very near future, I am, Very sincerely yours,