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Mr. S. Borchard
New York

At the present rate of exchange, you can easily see for yourself, this price is much higher than the price we quoted you in Paris.

I think I never told you that documents dating 1640 refer to that picture, which belonged then to Chevalier Van Ufford for over a century, and which was exhibited in 1867 in Amsterdam, also exhibited in 1881 at The Hague with the collection of the King and Queen of Holland; in 1882, in Brussels, at the Exposition NĂ©erlandaise, and is described in all books about Rembrandt by Bredius, Vosmar of The Hague, and Dr. Bode. Also a document of 1640 indicates that this picture was mentioned in a will.

I won't trouble you any more about that Rembrandt. I just wrote you this letter because I think it is a very good opportunity for you to add to your collection a picture worthy of the others which are already in it, and I hope you won't mind my writing all this to you.

Will you kindly remember me to Mrs. Borchard, and looking forward to seeing you some time in the near future, pray believe me,

Yours very sincerely,