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December 27th 1922 ^[[checkmark]] Dear Mrs. Borchard,- You will excuse the liberty I take in wriring direct to you, but this is not a business matter, and I am sure you will greatly enjoy what I am referring to. We are going to hang up just for two days, on Friday and Saturday, probably the four most beautiful 18th century silver woven tapestries known in the world. They need a special room to be shown all four together, and this is why it is a special occasion for you to see them as we have to show them to one of our patrons. If you have a minute's time to spare do come in as it is certainly one of the greatest sights you could think of. Will you kindly remember us to your dear husband, whose visit we would of course greatly enjoy too, and looking forward to seeing you pray believe me, Yours sincerely, (Germain Seligmann) Mrs. S. Borchard 349 West 86th st. City
Transcription Notes:
The use of wriring was as written.