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[[preprinted]] THE BROOKLYN MUSEUM THE BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES EASTERN PARKWAY AND WASHINGTON AVENUE FRANK I, BABBOTT, PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES HERMAN STUTZER, SECRETARY WALTER H. CRITTENDEN, CHAIRMAN MUSEUM GOVERNING COMMITTEE WILLIAM HENRY FOX, DIRECTOR OF MUSEUMS TELEPHONES 3600, 3601 PROSPECT BROOKLYN, N.Y. [[/preprinted]] ^[[checkmark]] JUNE 8, 1922 Mr. Germain Seligmann 705 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. My dear Mr. Seligmann: We are revising our mailing list for the "Brooklyn Museum Quarterly" and note that subscribed in 1920 for Mr. Jacques Seligmann, Ancien Palais de Sagan 57 rue St. Dominique, Paris, France. Will you kindly advise whether or not you desire this subscription renewed. It is needless to say that we trust you will wish to do so. The copy referred to is not the one sent to your New York House. Very truly yours, [[signed]] Susan A Hutchinson [[/signed]] Librarian.