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[[stamped]] Rec MAY 11 1922 / Recp MAY 11 1922 [[/stamped]] [[preprinted]] K. S. BUCKINGHAM 2036 PRAIRIE AVENUE CHICAGO [[/preprinted]] ^[[ship sketches]] ^[[checkmark]] May 9th" 1/22 Mr Jacques Seligmann Sr. My dear Mr- I cannot make out your means! Your letter of the 5th came yesterday- I think - after you have [[underline]] lined [[/underline]] the tapestry- you can send it- & please pack it [[double underline]] very [[/underline]] carefully- so it [[underline]] can't [[/underline]] get wet- & insure it- & ship it- to the Art Institute- Michigan Av. Chicago & [[pencil underline]]write on it "for Miss Buckingham"- [[/underline]] & let me know [[underline]] when [[/underline]] it leaves New York. I oblige you truly K.S. Buckingham [[double underline]] over [[/underline]]