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December 3rd 1921


Miss K. S. Buckingham
2036 Prairie Avenue
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Buckingham, -

We are leaving to-night for Pittsburg and will be in Chicago either Monday or Tuesday.

I had the pleasure to see Mrs. George Blumenthal this afternoon who told me that I ought not to fail to pay you a visit, and asked me to send her the price of two beautiful fire-dogs which she wanted to write to you about, and she further told me that if I had the pleasure to see you I should tell you that Mrs. Blumenthal never received an answer to the last letter she wrote you.

I hope my dear Miss Buckingham that we will have the pleasure to see you. He will arrive probably Tuesday morning at the Blackstone Hotel, and if we can find your telephone number in the book we will call you up as soon as we arrive.

Pray believe me,

Yours sincerely,