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Oct. 4th 1921


Miss K.S. Buckingham,
Lenox, Mass.

Dear Madam,-

In accordance with instructions received from Messrs. Jacques Seligmann & Fils, Paris, we beg to hand you enclosed herewith our invoice for disbursements in reference to the Gothic stone door which we re-forwarded from here to the Art Institute of Chicago

The amounts paid out are
in New York    $33.70
in Paris  Frs. 4.147,55

for which we would feel obliged if you could send us your remittance, the latter amount in a check on Paris if convenient to you.

We have not heard from the Director of the Art Institute since about the time the shipment was made and we must presume that it safely reached its destination.

Believe us,

Very truly yours,

Transcription Notes:
The dash in re-forwarded was intentional on the part of the writer. I'm not certain of ChicNgo. It looks like the a is actually missing and a capital N was there and was erased, and no matter how closely I look, I can't see an a in its place.