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21st. April 1922

2036, Prairie Avenue

My dear Miss Buckingham,

We receive copy of your letter which you have been kind enough to write to Jacques SELIGMANN and Co., Inc. New York, from whom you bought, through your letter of April 10th, the rose gothic Tapestry, for which Jacques SELIGMANN & Co send you a bill.

In consequence of this letter, in which you say that you buy the tapestry from the New York house, payable:

Frs. 433.333,- July 1st. 1922
"[[ditto for Frs.]] 433.333,- Jan. 1st. 1923
"[[ditto for Frs.]] 433.333,- July 1st. 1923

and in which you ask to the New York firm a substantial reduction if you pay the entire amount cash, I sent you to-day the following cable:

"Leave it entirely to you whether you pay cash or in "proposed installments we offer you tapestry at onehundred
"thousand francs less if paid before end April stop Mrs. "Blumenthal left Paris without talking about frame. Must I "put myself in connection with her or do you leave it to my "taste to order the frame which we offer as a souvenir. "Letter follows."

You may perhaps be kind enough to cable to Paris whether you want to pay cash or whether you prefer to let the arrangement stand as you have made it.