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December 16th 1922

Mrs. Cornelia B. Sage Quinton
Albright Gallery
Buffalo, N.Y.

My dear friend,-

I just received your night letter reading as follows:

"Infinite thanks for lovely letter can take tapestry from 
"January eleventh to February first best and only time also can
"send out cards with two collections of paintings opening same
"time which will be perfect unfortunately no money left for exhi-
"bition but if you pay all expenses will do all I can to help 
"exploit tapestry at that time fully appreciate your kindness
"dear greetings".

The dates you indicate from January 11th to February 1st fully agree to me, but instead of sending you "The Vintage", which we will need in New York during that time, I will replace it by a very interesting tapestry of the 15th century representing one of Hercules's works, probably woven about 1453, and by a tapestry of the early 16th century, on fleurette background, most unusual with lovely colors. You would have thus:
^[[checkmark]] One 15th century tapestry "Hercules's works"
^[[checkmark]] One early 16th century tapestry "Medallion on fleurette background with border of fruit
^[[checkmark]] One tapestry Atelier de Paris 17th century gold weave "Diana and Apollo"
^[[checkmark]] Four tapestries of the end of the 17th century coming from Stowe House, representing Lord Cobham's deeds.

If this suits you, we will be glad to let you have these tapestries for a fortnight.. Let me hear from you on the subject, and with very cordial greetings to you both, believe me,   Yours very sincerely,