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November 29, 1920.

Mr. Alfred Chatain,
629 Woodland Park,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Mr. Chatain,

I hope that you have had a fine journey and I very much regret that I have not had the luck the make the acquaintance of Mrs. Chatain, although I have done everything to succeed.

I have not many great things to tell you. The people here seem to be upset and business does not seem to be very easy and I have no good news for you.

I have been to see our friend D. but up to now he has not appeared, so in consequence, I sold the Van der Goes to somebody else because I have the feeling that he might not come at all. I kept for him the two Masquerier pastels. If he does not buy them, which is very probably because he says he does not was to buy anything, my boy might, perhaps, bring them to Chicago so that you can help him to sell them to your friend Stout. He will cable you before he leaves in order to know whether Stout will be in Chicago because if he is not there it is no use to send the pastels. 

You know very well, my dear friend, that I would have come myself to Chicago but I have no time. I have reserved my cabin for the 14th of December and I am awfully glad to return.

I hope to hear from you before I leave and beg you to believe me

Yours very sincerely,