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In like manner any citizen or group interested in some particular branch of public welfare, or in prohibition, labor, railroad, banking or other special legislation, may keep in intimate touch with all moves relating to that particular subject.

The Congressional Legislative Service of The Corporation Trust Company not only sends bulletins to the individual subscriber promptly anything takes place connected with the subject or subjects specified in his subscription, but also mails to ALL subscribers a Daily Letter summarizing the whole day's work of Congress and pointing out the significance of it in an absolutely disinterested manner, so each subscriber has an understanding of the general tendencies of all legislation.

Is not this service covered by newspapers or by the Congressional Record?

Newspaper correspondents are compelled by circumstances to select from the happenings in Congress only those matters that, in their judgment as new-purveyors to the general public, make interesting "stories" or affect a large body of people. Many things, however, take place in Congress that seem to be without this "news interest" yet may be of the utmost importance to one particularly interested or particularly expert in the matters to be affected.

Hundreds of examples could be quoted of bills offered or amendments made that seemed innocently routine to newspaper men and escaped public notice, but that had far-reaching consequences. The Congressional Legislative Service supplies ALL the facts, and the actual unadorned facts, without the risky attempt to judge of their relative importance. It reports all facts without partisan or private interest.

The Congressional Record, in due course, reports all the facts that develop on the floor of either house but in voluminous detail, and in the order of their happening, without relating them to the subjects affected.

The Congressional Legislative Service sifts


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the actual facts free of extraneous detail and furnishes them to subscribers according to the SUBJECT AFFECTED.

This is of the utmost importance to business interests and to civic associations especially interested in one or more subjects, and even to newspaper editors, as a guide to editorial comment, who enjoy full news service from a press association.

In addition, any subscriber to the Congressional Legislative Service of The Corporation Trust Company may at any time write, wire or telephone the Washington office for further details about any bill or amendment -- such as the real influence working for or against it, its chances of passage, how long action is likely to take, etc.  Experts thoroughly familiar with the sources of information promptly dig out such matters and report at once--by wire if requested.

Is this service legitimate and proper?

The Congressional Legislative Service of The Corporation Trust Company is recognized in official Washington as not only a perfectly legitimate and proper service to be rendered any citizen, business house or group, but as also a USEFUL service and one that the good citizen ought to have, if he possibly can, to enable him to perform his duties as a citizen more intelligently.

If every business house, and the educational, civic and political organizations of each community receive the congressional Legislative Service, the accomplishments of Congress would be better understood, the wise acts would be more generally appreciated, and many of the unwise proposals would be killed by protest before they became laws.

The Corporation Trust Company's Service is a service of FACTS, rendered without political, commercial or social bias.  Its Washington organization is of many years' standing, composed of men known and trusted in all departments of official life.  There is no privilege about the government buildings lawful to be extended
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New York

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