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forecast, by what it finds in one place, the probably of action in some other place, and frequently, through these same unusual resources, is able to round out for subscribers the facts of Congressional happenings, and supply significant details in a way no less diversified organization could possible do. 

The fact that nearly all subscribers to this Congressional Service renew their subscriptions for every session of Congress, and that practically all of the subscribers who were with us at the start are with us today and have never failed to renew, is proof of the usefulness and the unequalled quality of this service.

Who can make use of this service?

For any man of large business affairs, for any organization studying government or politics, for associations or groups interested in one or more classes of legislation or the protection of particular rights, for business firms likely to be affected by tariff, revenue, or other legislation, for trade associations, for newspaper and magazine editors, for those whose profession requires them to give counsel to business men-such as advertising agents, attorneys, expert accountants, etc.-for publicists and teachers-for, in fact, anyone interested vitally in any department of life likely to be affected by possible acts of Congress, the Congressional Legislative Service of The Corporation Trust Company will be found worth many times the small sum it costs for one session of Congress. 

Subscriptions are taken for one session of Congress only and end with the adjournment of that session.

Classes of Service

Three general classes of Service are rendered: Full Service, Special Service and Law Service, as described below. In addition extra Wire Service may be included with either Full or Special Service, by which the subscriber is kept informed up to the minute by telegraph or telephone.


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Full service includes:
(1) Complete bulletins on all bills introduced affecting the subject or subjects the subscriber has elected, all amendments, reports of committees, and other information as it develops, these bulletins being mailed by First-class Postage, unless Wire Service is taken.
(2) Complete copies of bills introduced, copies of amendments, amended bills and substitutes, and copy of the law as finally passed.
(3) A Continuing History Sheet for each bill introduced, giving its full title and number, and chronological table of every action taken on it, a new sheet being sent for each addition. A binder is supplied to each subscriber for the systematic filing of these History Sheets so every detail to date is accessible to the subscriber at any moment.
(4) The Daily Letter which contains a concise account of the happenings in both branches of Congress, of the debate and progress of bills of general interest, an outline of testimony submitted at committee hearings on important bills, and a forecast of the trend of proposed legislation and general tendencies. 
(5) Prompt attention to all special requests for additional particulars, concerning any bill or proposal covered by the subscriber's order. This special information will be wired if so instructed.

Special service includes:

This service includes the items listed under Full Service but ONLY as applied to BILLS ACTUALLY REPORTED BY COMMITTEES. This Service is designed to meet the desires of those who do not care to be informed of ALL the bills introduced on the subjects specified in the subscription, but only on those that have a good prospect of becoming law - which means those reported out of the committee to which they were referred upon in

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[[business card]]
^[[Tel 2088 Hanover
Mr Halle - 
for special information]]
[[stamped]] JUN 2- 192[[?]] [[/stamped]]
37 Wall Street

New York

[[/business card]]