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up to the present time. I have not been to Paris but the first opportunity I get to go to Paris I will be sure to go and see Mr. Seligmann whom I trust is enjoying good health. I remember last year, a short time before he sailed for France he had a sick spell and I hope such has not been the case since. It is the men like Mr. Seligmann who are helping in so many ways, that keep up the great morale of the wonderful French Army, which after four long years of war are to-day still bearing the brunt of the fighting and leading their allies in the great victories we have being wining for the past weeks. Such wonderful stamina as our allies have shown, has certainly

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fellows at the front know that the public back home are doing all in their power for us, and contributing generously to the many calls from the red cross and numberless other organizations for funds, and besides bearing the expense of it all by the ever increasing taxation.

I have only been in the line twice as it took a lot of time to equip my division with new rifles, gas masks and a number of other things that are necessary before going into the trenches. We also had some training on the rifle ranges before we were sent to the front, but now we are taking our regular turn in the line, and very soon again I will be throwing grenades and firing my rifle at the Hun.