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Mason, Otis T., Bows, Arrows and Quivers of the North American Aborigines.

^[[Rep.]] Smithsonian [[strikethrough]] Report [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Inst.]], 1893, ^[[(1894)]] pp. ^[[631-679]] plates., ^[[XXXVII-XCIV,]]

In this paper the projectile weapon is treated as a natural history genus whose species, evolution, geographic distribution are carefully studied out.

[[left margin]] ^[[S.I. '93 pub. Sept. 7-94.
Hold for next Rep. ('94-'95)]] [[/left margin]]

It is shown that the inventive genius of man, following the guidance of wants, materials and climate faithfully copies those processes of nature in the unfolding of vegetal and animal life. It seems possible to apply to ethnological studies the method of the naturalist.