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^ [[ ERA 3-9-95. J.]]

[[stamped]] DIVISION OF MAR 9, 1895 CORRESPONDENCE & REPORTS [[/stamped]]]]

WASHINGTON, [[/preprinted]] March 5/95.

Doctor G. Brown Goode, 
Assistant Secretary,
in charge U.S. National Museum.

Dear Sir:- 

I have the honor to transmit the report of the Department of Ethnology in the United States National Museum for the months of January and February 1895.

It was with great pleasure that the Curator welcomed Doctor Hough back from his long exile to his position on the staff. During his absence, the curator has been dependent part of the time, in the work of Doctor Hough upon those who could not take any very great personal interest in it. I except from this category Mr. Turnbull who has always been scrupulous in his accounts while serving in this department. Miss England left the department and her place is now filled by Miss Conner. In addition to my regular assistants, Mr Shindler and Mr. Henry Walthers are credited to me; the last named upon Atlanta work.  

The Curator has devoted every spare moment to the preparation of a report upon primitive travell-

Transcription Notes:
take note of the stamp on next page for the last word @panasko