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ing to the fact that Mr. Hough's time has been almost entirely absorbed with other matters, so that I could not have his help in this direction. 

Miss Conner's work has been chiefly devoted to the paper which I am preparing for the Doctor's annual report.

Mrs. Hilderbrant under contract has been making drawings for this same paper.

In addition to reading proof on the Madrid report, Dr. Hough has worked on installation of specimens in the East Hall, assisted in cataloguing, read the proof of Mr. Rockhill's paper for the report and the proof of his own paper on Armor. He has also rendered the most efficient help in Dr. Boas material for studying the collection.

The time of the Curator and of Mr. Sweeny has been largely occupied in putting away in proper place material returned from the World's Columbian Exposition, taking out old boxes and putting in new ones in the Exhibition Hall and studying up some new exhibitions in East Hall. We have also finished five (5) large collection series which have been sent abroad, and set up the loan collection of Major Bell of the army. A great deal of time has also been devoted to the collections of