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9. GIVE A LIST OF CORRESPONDENTS WHOSE CO-OPERATION HAS RESULTED IN ENRICHING THE COLLECTIONS UNDER YOUR CARE, AND STATE BRIEFLY THE MANNER AND EXTENT OF SUCH CO-OPERATION DURING THE YEAR. The Cur ator mentions with especial pleasure among the list of correspondents the following:- Bishop W. C. Bompas of Sellkirk, Canada. Father A. G. Morice " [[ditto for: of]] Athapasca, Canada. Mr. David Boyle, Toronto. Miss Mc. Farlane, Washington State. The Takoma Academy of Nat. Science, Wash., State. Dr. J. W. Hudson, Ukiah, California. Dr. A. Ernst, Caracas, Venezuela. Mr. Henry Balfour, Oxford, England. Prof. Demetri Anoutchine, Moscow, Russia. Edward Lovett, Croydon, England. Henry Gig[[overwritten]] h [[/overwritten]]^[[li]]oli, Florence, Italy.