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10. ^[[5]] Mason ( Otis Tufton.) Technogeography or the Relation of the Earth tot he Industries of Mankind. American Anthropologist 1894, Vol. 7, pp. 137-161. ^[[checkmark]] This paper shows that the earth in its conduct and resources for mankind is not a heterogeneous mass of material, but an organized object so related to all man's activities that these may be said, in a certain sense, to spring out of it. [[line]] ^[[6]] Mason ( Otis Tufton.) Migration and the Food Question^[[:]] A Study in the Peopling of America ^[[[[??]] July '94 v VII, p.275-292.]] ^[[checkmark]] This paper calls attention to a great circle of the earth passing form the Straits of Malacca to the Rio del a Plata mouth through a series of land-locked seas and culture areas of great value especially in the line of food production and variety of employment. It calls attention to this great circle as an unbroken line of migration and [[strikethrough]] high [[/strikethrough]] ^[[of constant]] development of culture about the Pacific Ocean. [[line]] ^[[7]] Mason ( Otis Tufton.) Historic and Ethnologic Science. The Epoch, Washington, D. C. 1895, Vol. 1, pp. 3-11. ^[[checkmark]] The object of this paper is to show that the two lines of study, the historic and the ethnologic, are indispensable one to the other for investigating the progress of human culture. [[line]] ^[[8 Pub Aug. '95]] Hough ( Walter.) Catalogue of the Ethnological Exhibit from the United States National Museum. From the Report of the United States Commission to the Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid, [[circled, with line indicating move to after "1895"]] pp. 143-193^[[.]] [[/circled]] Washington, 1895^[[,]] [[line]] ^[[9 Pub. Aug '95.]] Hough ( Walter.) The Ancient Central and South American Pottery in the Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid in 1892. From the Report of the United States Commission to the Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid, 1892. [[circled, with line indicating move to after "1895"]] pp. 339-365 [[/circled]], Washington, 1895^[[,]] This paper presents the results of a study of the paste, the mode of construction, the surface, the ornamentation and the forms of the ancient pottery exhibited at Madrid. [[line]]