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Mason, (Otis T.) [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] Rochefort on the Carribeans, [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Science, [[/underlined]] ^[[(new series)]] [[strikethrough]] N.Y., [[/strikethrough]] [[circled, line indicating move to after "IV"]] 1896 [[/circled]], [[strikethrough]] vol. [[/strikethrough]] IV, p. 52. [[paragraph symbol]] This paper calls attention to the mention of the Cushing P[[line indicating this should be "p"]]ile D[[line indicating this should be "d"]]wellings in San Marco, Florida, as far back as 1666.

Mason, (Otis T.) [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] On L[[line indicating this should be "l"]]ifting M[[line indicating this should be "m"]]onoliths,[[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Science, [[/underlined]] ^[[(new series)]] [[circled, line indicating move to after "IV"]] Aug. 21, 1896 [[/circled]], [[strikethrough]] vol. [[/strikethrough]] IV, p. 228. This paper shows that all the great stones in human art were cut and put in place in pre-mechanical times.

Mason, (Otis T.) [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] On T[[line indicating this should be "t"]]he Siberian O[[line indicating this should be "o"]]rigin of Alaskan I[[line indicating this should be "i"]]ron and C[[line indicating this should be "c"]]opper D[[line indicating this should be "d"]]aggers.[[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] Verhandl 1. Berliner Gesellschaft f. Anthrop.^[[,]] &c., Berlin, 1896, XXVIII, p. 75. This paper compares the copper and steel double pointed and single pointed daggers of the southeastern Alaskan Indians with Bronze Age forms found in Siberia^[[,]] and shows them to be identical.

Mason, (Otis T.) [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] Matto Grosso, S.^[[outh]] Am.^[[erica]], as a M[[line indicating this should be "m"]]ingling G[[line indicating this should be "g"]]round of S[[line indicating this should be "s"]]tocks, [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] Science, ^[[(new series)]] Jan. 29, 1897, [[strikethrough]] Vol. [[/strikethrough]] V, p. 194. This paper reveals the work of Doctor Hermann Meyer on the distribution of Eastern, Western, and South American bows and arrows, and their commingling in the middle ground of the Matto Grosso.

Fewkes, ([[strikethrough]] Dr. [[/strikethrough]] J. Walter.) [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] Morphology of Tusayan A[[line indicating this should be "a"]]ltars, [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] Am. Anthrop^[[ologise]], May, 1897, [[strikethrough]] vol [[/strikethrough]]. [[circled, line indicating move to before "May"]] X, [[/circled]] pp. 129 - 145.

Fewkes, ([[strikethrough]] Dr. [[/strikethrough]] J. Walter.) [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] Tusayan Totemic S[[line indicating this should be "s"]]ignatures, " (illustrated), Am. Anthrop., [[strikethrough]] January [[/strikethrough]], 1897, [[strikethrough]] vol [[/strikethrough]]. [[circled, line indicating move to before "January"]] X, [[/circled]] pp. 1-11.

Fewkes, ([[strikethrough]] Dr. [[/strikethrough]] J. Walter.) [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] Pacific Coast S[[line indicating this should be "s"]]hells from P[[line indicating this should be "p"]]rehistoric Tusayan Pueblos, [[strikethrough]] " (illustrated), [[/strikethrough]]  Am. Anthrop., ^[[IX]][[strikethrough]] Nov [[/strikethrough]]ember, 1896, [[strikethrough]] vol. IX, [[/strikethrough]] pp. 359 - 367^[[, with illus.]]

Fewkes, ([[strikethrough]] Dr. [[/strikethrough]] J. Walter.) " Two R[[line indicating this should be "r"]]uins R[[line indicating this should be "r"]]ecently D[[line indicating this should be "d"]]iscovered in the Red Rock County, Arizona, " Am. Anthrop., ^[[IX]] August, 1896, [[strikethrough]] vol. IX, [[/strikethrough]] pp. 263-283.

Hough, ([[strikethrough]] Dr. [[/strikethrough]] Walter.- " The Hopi in R[[line indicating this should be "r"]]elation to their P[[line indicating this should be "p"]]lant E[[line indicating this should be "e"]]nvironment," Am. Anthrop., ^[[X]] February, 1897, [[strikethrough]] vol. X, [[/strikethrough]] pp. 33 - 44.

Mc.Guire, ( Joseph D.) " Classification and Development of Primitive Implements, " Am. Anthrop., July, 1896, vol. IX, pp. 227 - 237.