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12. Please present any plans which you have in view for the development of your department.

     The Curator will reserve what he has to say under this head until Mr. Holmes is installed as Chief Curator of Anthropology. It would be unseemly to anticipate any plans which he may have formed with reference to the future government of this division. This Curator, however, will most cheerfully cooperate with the Director and the Chief Curator in formulating new plans for the future progress and the well being of this Department.
     In the Smithsonian Report for 1874, the Curator prepared, for Professor Henry, a statement concerning the founding of a Museum of Ethnology in Leipsic, based upon the labors of Doctor Gustav Klemm. It will be seen by reference to this paper that the Smithsonian Institution early adopted, as a motive in anthropological exhibition, a most comprehensive plan.
     At the request of Professor Baird, the Curator prepared a pamphlet of directions for collectors of ethnological material for the Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, in which the whole science of Anthropology is laid out in a scheme covering every type of objects that entered into the study of humanity and of human activities. This pamphlet was the foundation of the exposition of ethnological material for Philadelphia; was adopted by Doctor Rau in his discussion of the archaeology in the United States National Museum; ^and by Mr. Murdoch in his work on the Point Barrow Eskimo. Any scheme or general plan of study in anthropological sciences cannot depart very far from classification there laid down. If the main concept in any exhibit be race, then for each race exhibited there ought to be sufficient material to set it forth in all the salient features of its daily life; if the concept be technology, then each art ought to be represented in its materials, its tools, its finished and unfinished products and its distributions in time and place. Complete-