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Heard several white-throated Sparrows down by the ditch this afternoon giving the Downy Woodpecker like tser

Sept. 23 Saturday
The White crowned Sparrows are here. I saw some of the little beauties in Mr. Pettey's currant bushes sunning themselves and eating their breakfast. Their common note sounded like [[underlined]] tseek [[/underlined]] sometimes one would [[underlined]] chr-r-r [[/underlined]] at another if it came near when it [[was?]] feeding.
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Went hunting this afternoon and saw a number of Winter Wrens among the logs and brush around the Half-moon. Their tails are reddish brown; underneath dark olive yellow; crown olive; white line above the eye; black line through eye; eye black; wings reddish; 1st + 2nd primaries finely veined with white veins on black; back olive. They were very inquisitive.