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Sept. 28, Thursday,
Today it was quite cold. A hard north wind was blowing yet I heard a Catbird along the river bank.
Sept. 30, Saturday.
Heard a Song sparrow sing several times this afternoon down by the ditch.
This afternoon I went up on the hill. As I approached a berry patch a little Field sparrow flew out [[?]] with a faint [[underlined]] tsip [[/underlined]]. Its upper breast was greyish; Rest of underparts whitish; 
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top of head dark brown; ring around neck whitish; rest of head grey; streak in the back lighter; upper half of wing brown, streaked with black; lower half buffy, edged with black; tail is long and notched; upperside black; lower white; two white wing-bars. The long tail gives it a bobbing tilty flight. One gave a soft twittering low note sounding like [[underlined]] tsä tsä tsä tsä [[/underlined]]
When I entered the bushes the [[underlined]] tsip [[/underlined]] note was sharper as if the bird was