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with black; yellow over the eye.  Fall [[?]] note is a faint [[underlined]] tsuh [[/underlined]].  I scared one out of a bush a little while after and it lit on a dead branch and watched me for some time.  Next I saw a Fox sparrow in a tree.  his underparts were white streaked and filled with black and brown; head ash grey and brown; back and tail bright cinnamon brown; It sang in a low sweet tone all the time.  It resembled that of a Red-eyed

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Vireo.  Once the bird hung head down like a Chicadee from the end of a limb.  While watching it I saw a Robin eating wild grapes.  There were quite a number of them there.  They swallowed the grapes whole.  Then a Brown Thrasher jumped on the fence and hopped along it aways.  Coming home I saw some Male goldfinches that were like the females except for a yellow spot on the breast.  Then I went on home.