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Nov. 2, Thursday. 

Heard the Pine Siskins as they flew over this morning I have not seen them for some time The sparrows are roosting in the Norway spruces and have been ever since The leaves dropped off. some have holes or places under porches where they can roost. In the spruces they roost together close to the ground They like a place where a twig starts out. 

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Nov. 3, Friday. 

Saw some Pine Siskin's in Mr. Fisk's apple tree. One gave a note like [[underline]]pi-ty[[/underline]] exactly the same as a goldfinch. 

Nov. 4, Saturday. 
This morning I heard some juncos over by the old lady Petteys's I went over there. My attention was attracted by a noise. I looked up in a spruce and saw a bird. I thought it was a sparrow eating

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