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woodpecker flew down to take a drink with a preparatory note to call attention and a few notes between drinks for the same purpose and well he might for since I had seen him last he had changed the somber color of his head for a bright red. It was dark in places yet especially around the edges. He also drank like a chicken. instead of working

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busily he spent his time sunning himself He was rather wild. His head is very dark yet. 
went on farther as I left I heard another tree sparrow. I have solved a mystery.  many times I have heard a woodpecker give a note [[underlined]] cuh quer cuh cuh cuh cuh quer cua [[/underlined]] and other variations.  today I saw that it was a yellow [[hamer?]].* The flight is
* (a mistake the bird was the Red-bellied Woodpecker)