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Feb. 22, Thrusday

This morning the Evening Grosbeaks came by again while I was dressing. It had snowed all night. They were climbing around and reaching in a characteristic way. In fact it is the most noticeable thing about them at first sight. When I came out they all flew off and gave a note [[??]] almost exactly like a Martin's.

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One or two gave a loud froglike [[squiggle underline]]terp[[end squiggle underline]]. They flew down into Hacketts woods where there are a lot of box elder trees. They feed on the dried seeds as far as I can find almost entirely.

Went out doors this morning before breakfast. I heard a low [[squiggle underline]] Kiver Kiver Kiver [[end squiggle underline]] and out into[[??]] sight to see what it was and it was